No: |
BH2023/01135 |
Ward: |
Rottingdean & West Saltdean Ward |
App Type: |
Householder Planning Consent |
Address: |
13 Hailsham Avenue Saltdean Brighton BN2 8QH |
Proposal: |
Erection of single storey side extension. |
Officer: |
Nathaniel Rainier, tel: |
Valid Date: |
05.05.2023 |
Con Area: |
N/A |
Expiry Date: |
30.06.2023 |
Listed Building Grade: |
EOT: |
Agent: |
Plans Prepared 8 Greenbank Avenue Saltdean BN2 8QS |
Applicant: |
Mr Charlie Sharp 13 Hailsham Avenue Saltdean Brighton BN2 8QH |
1.1. That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out below and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the following Conditions and Informatives:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings listed below.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
Plan Type |
Reference |
Version |
Date Received |
Location Plan |
17 April 2023 |
Block Plan |
17 April 2023 |
Proposed Drawing |
HA-004 |
27 May 2023 |
Proposed Drawing |
HA-005 |
13 May 2023 |
2. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority retains the right to review unimplemented permissions.
3. At least one bee brick shall be incorporated within the external wall of the development hereby approved and shall be retained thereafter.
Reason: To enhance the biodiversity of the site and to comply with Policy DM37 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2, Policy CP10 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and Supplementary Planning Document SPD11 Nature Conservation and Development.
4. The external finishes of the development hereby permitted shall match in material, colour, style, bonding and texture those of the existing building.
Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area and to comply with policies DM21 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2 and CP12 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One.
1. In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy SS1 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One the approach to making a decision on this planning application has been to apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development. The Local Planning Authority seeks to approve planning applications which are for sustainable development where possible.
2. Where possible, bee bricks should be placed in a south facing wall in a sunny location at least 1 metre above ground level.
3. The applicant should be aware that the site is in a radon affected area. If the probability of exceeding the Action level is 3% or more in England and Wales, basic preventative measures are required in new houses, extensions, conversions and refurbishments (BRE2011). Radon protection requirements should be agreed with Building Control. More information on radon levels is available at:
2.1. The application relates to a detached bungalow located on the southern side of Hailsham Avenue in Saltdean. The property has a hipped roof and front gable, with a modest flat roofed front extension creating an extended porch. It has an existing ‘loft room’ created through the insertion of rooflights to the side and rear. Off street parking is provided with a concrete front driveway. It is finished in a light grey/off white render and white uPVC fenestration.
2.2. The road, Hailsham Avenue, is characterised by a general uniformity of dwelling type being predominantly hipped roof and gable fronted residential bungalows. A number have had alterations and extensions that are visible in the public realm including side extensions, similar to the proposal, and/or attached side garages.
2.3. The application site features a shed and summer house in the rear garden close to the boundary wall with number 15. These outbuildings have been substantially completed but remain to be finished.
2.4. Hailsham Avenue is set on a hill rising from west to east with a reflective stepping up in the ground floor slabs and roof heights of the residential dwellings in the road. A wide grassed common open area runs between the parallel roads that form Hailsham Avenue, giving a very open aspect to the street.
2.5. The site is currently undergoing building works for a rear dormer and double hip-to-gable extensions approved under planning permission BH2022/02324.
2.6. The site is not located in a conservation area or subject to any article 4 directions regarding extensions or alterations.
3.1. BH2022/02324 - Roof alterations incorporating double hip to gable extension, front rooflights and rear dormers with Juliet balconies and new roof tiles. Alterations to fenestration and associated alterations. Approved 3 November 2022
3.2. BH2009/01571 - Single storey side/rear extension and additional single storey rear extension with infill raised decking. Refused 11 September 2009 for the following reasons:
“1: The proposed side extension, by reason of its size, height, siting and design is considered to be unduly visually prominent and detrimental to the appearance and character of the host building and wider streetscene. In particular, the roof over the extension would extend beyond the eaves line creating an awkward junction with the roof of the existing dwelling and adding to its prominence, and the false pitch to the front of this flat-roofed element would be readily visible within the street scene. The proposal is thereby contrary to policies QD1, QD2 and QD14 of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan.
2: The size, height and siting of the proposal would, by reason of an overbearing and overly dominant impact, adversely affect the residential amenities currently enjoyed by the occupiers of No.15 Hailsham Avenue, which would be exacerbated by the fact that No.15 is set at a lower ground level than the applicant property. The proposal is thereby contrary to policies QD14 and QD27 of the Brighton & Hove Local Plan.”
4.1. The application seeks permission for the erection of a single storey side extension which would feature a new false pitched roof and two new rooflights. The proposed extension would be located on the western side of the dwelling and would measure approximately 2.3 metres in width, 8.1 metres in length, and 3.8 metres in height. The extension would run the full depth of the dwelling and be constructed in materials to match those approved under planning application BH2022/02324.
None Received
6.1. 1 comment received from a neighbour objecting to the application on the grounds of
· Overdevelopment
· Poor Design
· Residential Amenity
6.2. One comment received from Councillor Fishleigh raising concerns over overdevelopment and the accuracy of the plans and drawings. A copy of the representation from Councillor Bridget Fishleigh is attached.
7.1. In accordance with Section 38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, this decision has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals in the National Planning Policy Framework, the Development Plan, and all other material planning considerations identified in the "Considerations and Assessment" section of the report.
7.2. The development plan is:
· Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One (adopted March 2016);
· Brighton & Hove City Plan Part Two (adopted October 2022);
· East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Plan (adopted February 2013);
· East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Sites Plan (adopted February 2017);
· Shoreham Harbour JAAP (adopted October 2019).
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One:
SS1 Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development
CP10 Biodiversity
CP12 Urban Design
Brighton & Hove City Plan Part Two:
DM1 Housing Quality, Choice, and Mix
DM18 High quality design and places
DM20 Protection of Amenity
DM21 Extensions and alterations
DM37 Green Infrastructure and Nature Conservation
Supplementary Planning Document:
SPD11 Nature Conservation & Development
SPD12 Design Guide for Extensions and Alterations
SPD09 Architectural Features
9.1. The main considerations in the determination of this application relate to the design and appearance of the proposal and the impact upon residential amenity.
Impact on Character and Appearance:
9.2. The Brighton and Hove Supplementary planning document SPD12 Design Guide for Extensions and Alterations states the following in regards to side extensions.
"The extension should normally be no wider than half the frontage width of the host building and set back from the front of the building by a minimum 0.5m in order to ensure a subordinate appearance that retains the integrity of the original building. A minimum 0.5m set back also helps avoid difficulties in matching and aligning old and new materials. Extensions that sit flush with the front elevation will only rarely be considered appropriate in instances where it can be clearly demonstrated that the extension integrates well with the design of the host building."
9.3. The proposed extension is narrower than half of the frontage width of the host building, therefore complying with SPD12 guidance. The proposed side extension would not be set back from the existing dwelling as the front elevation would sit flush with the front elevation; however, it would be a small feature relative to the scale of the host dwelling, and would otherwise integrate well with the design of the host building with the mock pitched roof assisting in this assimilation. The proposed 'false' pitched roof would not cause harm to the appearance of the area due to its low height and the proposed extensions setback from the road.
9.4. The proposed street elevation window would match the existing windows on the dwelling in terms of design. The proposed materials would match the existing permission (granted for grey tiles to replace the existing brown concrete tiles and a white painted render) ensuring that the new extension complements the refurbishment of the existing dwelling currently underway.
9.5. The proposed extension is appropriately positioned, scaled, and materially finished sympathetically to the design of the existing dwelling in accordance with SPD12 Design guidance. The side extension's design is considered to be subservient to the host property and would not adversely impact the character of the area.
9.6. The proposal would create a new bathroom, study and additional living space that would overall improve the internal standard of accommodation in accordance with policy DM1 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two, notwithstanding that the proposed layout would reduce the number of bedrooms in the dwelling from three to two.
9.7. The extensions and alterations are on balance considered to be suitable additions to the building that would not harm its appearance or that of the wider area, in accordance with policy DM21 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part 2 and SPD12 guidance.
Impact on Residential Amenity:
9.8. The proposed extension is proposed on the boundary of the property, with the existing summerhouse and shed behind resulting in an almost uninterrupted built form along the boundary with the neighbouring dwelling to the west at number 15. The proposed side extension would mostly abut the garage and driveway of the neighbouring dwelling, with sufficient separation retained with the neighbouring property. The proposed extension would, therefore, have a limited impact on neighbouring amenities despite its comparatively higher elevation to neighbouring number 15. It is also noted that an outbuilding exists on the driveway of number 13 providing further separation from the application site.
9.9. The proposal is not considered to cause any additional overlooking of adjacent properties over and above the existing situation and it would not have an overbearing impact or cause adjacent properties to be excessively overshadowed or enclosed.
9.10. A site visit has been undertaken and the impact of the proposed development on the adjacent properties has been fully considered in terms of daylight, sunlight, outlook, and privacy. Following a site visit, photos provided by the applicant and aerial photography of the site no significant harm has been identified in accordance with policy DM20 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two.
10.1. Under the Regulations of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 2010 (as amended), Brighton & Hove City Council adopted its CIL on 23 July 2020 and began charging on all CIL liable planning applications on and from the 5 October 2020. The exact amount will be confirmed in the CIL liability notice which will be issued as soon as it practicable after the issuing of planning permission.
None identified
12.1. The proposed works would modernise and increase the flexibility of an existing property and its energy efficiency. The Council has adopted the practice of securing minor design alterations to schemes with the aim of encouraging the biodiversity of a site, particularly with regards to protected species such as bumblebees and swifts. A suitably worded condition will be attached to secure an appropriate number of bee bricks within the proposal in order to help meet the requirements of policies CP10 of the CPP1 and DM37 of the CPP2 as well as SPD11. Given the nature of the application it is not considered appropriate to secure biodiversity improvement in this instance.